Monday, November 14, 2011

Linien die so bleiben wie sie sind.

This week's homework is done and one thing it tought me is that I have no idea how I look…
It's not like I'm narcissistic or anything:

Painter, ink and drawing nip (saji pen), Artgrage, Copic (markers), acrylics, ink again with calligraphy pen and some screentones, back to Photoshop for the last one.

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And an illustration for my screenprinting class:

This one is huge and was hella time consuming so leave me sulking in my corner since I'm still not exactly happy with it.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Ok it's official: I simply love drawing and will never enjoy anything that is graphic design related as much…
(+this semester I'm doing a basic illustration class again and our teacher is amazing! I'm still all high tension 'n stuff.)

And since I don't do anything despite uni/work-stuff have homework-poop (nah just kidding, in fact I like this one quite a bit):

(Illustration for a headline: "Applejünger ohne Jobs" - "Apple disciples without Jobs")

For next week's class we're going to draw a self portrait each day, first day: painter

(I had to challange myself with this task, I'll try to do every portrait in a different medium.)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

And still not ginger!

Have a quick warm-up self portrait, an attempt on natural colors.

And a Van-Gogh styled Amy 'cause deep down I'm just a fangirl (and "Vincent and the Doctor" was fantastic!):